vineri, 12 noiembrie 2021

Free will vs. Predestination?

Many religious scholars have learned about this dilemma and many religious (an non-religious) people have asked themselves and others about this: is our future built by our decisions, or is it pre-determined? Are we really free in our decisions, or is everything allready set in stone and we're just actors plying our pre-written roles?

I believe the whole analysis is flawed from the start. We look at the impact of our decisions and question only the surface questions. "Did I make that decision freely, or was I somehow forced to make it?" "Was my decision, with its consequences predetermined?"

To answer such questions, I'll refer you to a scene in a movie, talking about the chaos theory: . Basically, the idea is that everything can be predicted if you have enough pertinent data and the power to analyze it. Makes total sense.

Now let's get back to our question: do we have free will, or does God decide what we do? From what I've probably mentioned in the past, God is absolute. Everything. Obviously, that means He has all the data and infinite computational power to analyze it. So yes, he knows everything in the present and is capable of predicting everything based on the initial data. The question we're asking is wrong because we think God tells us what to do. Wrong. God tells us what we SHALL do. He simply knows our decisions in advance and, sometimes, tells us about that. Does that change the future? Definitely. It introcuces a new factor in the situational evolution. But that, too, is taken into account while doing the prediction game. We choose freely based on who we are, what we know and how we react to what we know. Totally predictible.

The fact that we make a decision is based on a lot of factors. Knowing them all doesn't mean that our choice isn't free - it only means that it's predictible.

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